American Red Cross Precourse
(Lifeguarding Precourse Video Below)
Precourse 1 You must complete the following sequence:
■ Observe and evaluate each participant’s ability to meet Prerequisite 1: Swim-Tread-Swim Sequence Precourse 2 ■ Arrange the swim distance of 20 yards and place a 10-pound object at a minimum depth of 7 to 10 feet (consistent with the maximum water depth participants will train in). ■ Tell participants: - Goggles are not allowed for the timed event.
■ Observe and evaluate each participant’s ability to meet Prerequisite 2: Timed Event NOTE: Candidates will only receive one chance to complete the American Red Cross Precourse session! |
Lifeguard Proficient and Not Proficient chart Precourse 1
Lifeguard Proficient and Not Proficient chart Precourse 2