- Lifeguard Instructor/Instrutor Trainer Review @ Washington College
Lifeguard Instructor/Instrutor Trainer Review @ Washington College
per item
This course is designed for American Red Cross Instructor/Instructor Trainer to review into the R2017 Lifeguard program. Instructor may have the option to complete the "base level test out" to receive their Lifeguard Basic Certification for a separate cost of $36 dollars.
Items to bring with you.
1- Instructors Manual (digital or printed)
2-Participants Manual (digital or printed)
3-Adult and Pediatric CPR mask (must have both)
3- Packed Lunch
4- Swim gear & Tawels
Items to bring with you.
1- Instructors Manual (digital or printed)
2-Participants Manual (digital or printed)
3-Adult and Pediatric CPR mask (must have both)
3- Packed Lunch
4- Swim gear & Tawels